Conquer The World Pt. 2 – The Beginning

Like the Leopard 2, you must first scout the enemy. Locate them. Probe for weaknesses. If your gun cannot penetrate their armour, you wait for your own bigger guns to bring them down.

Do not heedlessly fight with your pride. Instead, wage war under the guidance of Reason. Rational decisions almost always yield better results than brash, prideful cavalry charges. Patience is key.

The tactics of war have not changed, merely the context. Our knowledge of past wars will be useful in present times as well.

Please be mindful that this is merely a thought experiment – not an actual plan to place the world under one’s beneficial dictatorship. Furthermore, this idea is based on practicality, not on ideals. To put it bluntly, it is the ends, not the means.


Now, the modern world’s real power lies in seats of real power – a person with absolute power. As we live in a democracy (almost all the world does), it will be impossible to achieve true power in such a system. People will always argue and progress will stagnate.

Instead, we require a singular leader who wields power that meets no resistance from no government. Orders are to be followed without fail, and thus efficiency.

Absolute obedience from all mankind and thus the suppression of free will. The person who undertakes such a role of conquering the world will sacrifice his or her morals and all standards of virtues.

It is entirely possible to appear to be a benefactor of the world. Even so, it is provides greater advantages if one provides the appearance of a virtuous man. To live by truth, honesty and courage. A leader who provides transparency above all else.

Of course, this will not truly be the case. It is nigh impossible for a man to conquer the world and remain virtuous. Attaining absolute power will lead to corruption of even the most noble of men.

The reasoning behind power corrupting men lies in their emotions. One of the most important is love. Love makes people blind and weak. Should a thief hold a gun to your loved one’s head and demands your money, love compels you to hand over your wallet and relinquish the thief. Your loved one is alive at the cost of some pocket change.

You may say, is that not a fair trade? I entirely agree, in this context. However, I will now present another situation. The same person demands you to hand over the codes of nuclear warheads, otherwise all your family and loved ones will be killed. Would you hand over to his demands?

The mental struggle you are feeling now hinges upon the greatest good versus thanatophobia – the fear of losing your loved ones. What is the correct choice? What should you choose?

Consider the first choice: you hand over the codes and your family goes free. You have saved the family but doomed the world. You may wonder, is this right? You have yielded power to your enemy, and thus reinforcing his strength.

The second choice is to sacrifice your family in order to prevent the destruction of the world. I believe this is the choice you must be ready to make in order to proceed down the bloody road of world domination. It is the ends, not the means, that matters more.

Consider the consequences and make a rational decision based on your information.

“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” – J. Robert Oppenheimer







How To Conquer The World – Pt. 1

In each of our bustling lives everyday, we rarely stop for a moment and think about the problems that plague the world today.

Even despite our donations to charity, our fundraising events for cancer or our advocacy of equal rights for all humans, as a normal human being, I seriously doubt that the majority of us truly care.

Selfishness is an inherent part of human nature. A person may appear selfless or act selfless for their own feel-good feeling. Is that not selfish in its own way?

A thought popped into my mind today as I cycled through the many various struggles we face today. It is not merely the incompetent politicians that are running this world into the ground, but also the greed of mining companies and investment banks that continue to physically ruin the world. The protests that do not just exist in America, but also in France and in the Netherlands due to their ongoing elections. Immigrants, pollution, expensive drugs and healthcare, the new generation…

It almost seems impossible to solve everything, doesn’t it? Famine in Yemen and Sudan to the lack of water in Kenya to animals going extinct at alarming rates.

The few out of the sea of problems that I have listed already require Herculean efforts to even tackle one. Is it possible to expend resources and manpower to such causes? One might say probably no as everything is finite. We cannot help everyone because we do not have the capacity to do so.

The question then lies in, if we do not spend our time tackling such problems, then what should we be spending our time on instead?

I digress.

The thought that struck me today was that, we as humans are fighting battles on many fronts. If anything that history has taught us is: never fight wars you can’t win. Especially if you do not have more men than the opponent. In essence, having more resources than necessary to ensure a victory.

You might argue that resources are not everything in order to win battles. However, we are waging a war of attrition. Tactics alone will not win the war unless the general can maintain his army. That requires food, water – resources.

If we place this into today’s context, each country cares truly only for its own nation and its wellbeing. We have seen attempts of unification such as the E.U and the USA – but we have North Korea, Islam extremists and Russia who are still bent on nationalism. That alone will not unite the world – no matter how hard we try.

Thus I propose an idea: in order to solve the world’s problems, it is necessary that the world unifies under a single system.

“Better one bad general than two good ones.” – Napoleon


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